A message from Skip Orth, owner of Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions
Hello and thank you for your interest in working with us! My main goal in our hiring process is to make sure that each person we hire is a good fit for our company and our company is a good fit for them. So, let me tell you a little bit about Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions so you can begin to determine if we might be right for you.
Growth and opportunity.
We are one of the fastest growing pest and lawn care companies in the South. And we have a vision and a system to continue our rapid growth for the years ahead. This growth creates opportunities for our employees who want to advance and who demonstrate their ability to handle greater responsibilities.
We offer continuous learning opportunities on the job as well as on site and off site classroom type training.
After three years of employment, you are eligible to take the Florida state exam for a pest control operators license. The license is valid anywhere in Florida and individuals who possess the license are in high demand by landscape and pest control companies.
Sustainable work environment.
I understand everyone has a life outside work and I believe employees perform their best when their job compliments their personal lives instead of competes with it. I like to see people live balanced lives with ample time for family and life's other requirements. Therefore, I do my best to make sure our work weeks are capped at 40 hours a week and offer one paid personal day a month. We also take off six major holidays with pay, New Year, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Results focused performance. Our employees are expected to produce results, not just perform a task. That means we will expect you to apply the training we give you to produce the very best results possible for the customers we service. You can't just go through the motions with this job and produce the results we expect. You will need to THINK about what to do. On the other hand, we will give you all the training, tools and support to get the best results.
Rigorous work.
If you are interested in a position as a lawn technician, you will need to enjoy working outside in hot weather. You will be lifting 50 pound bags of fertilizer, walking around with a 40 pound backpack sprayer or pulling 300 feet of hose through yards all day long in 95 degree heat. Also if you're uncomfortable working around chemicals, this probably isn't the job for you.
What our employees have to say about working here
"When I applied for the job at Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions I was slightly nervous I had no clue about lawn services or if I could find a way to take my skills and apply them. I just asked for a chance and Skip took the chance on me and I have been thrilled since. I worked as a hairstylist for almost 10 years and was the walking billboard for burnout. I still wanted to handle customer service, and find a way to make everyone I come in contact with feel like they had the best experience with Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions as I could.
Skip made sure I was trained and I started to do research into what we offer and tried to learn as much as possible. I love the fact that Skip doesn't micromanage, he has faith in the fact that you know what to do and expects you to be able to do it; and if things start to go sideways he has no problems helping you figure out how it went wrong and what to do next time to keep it from happening again. I think that this is one of the best places to work, you feel like you have been heard and you know where you stand."
Pamela henrikson // Telephone Receptionist

"The reasons why I love working at Father and Son: I have been working at Father and Son for over 1 year so far and I have to say I love this place deeper and deeper. It is not only because the work itself, but also the environment I'm working in. I have wonderful coworkers who are already there ready to give a hand when there is something bothering me. I am always encouraged to learn new knowledge and widen the horizon of this field, then practice the new knowledge I learned anywhere at anytime. It provides me with a fair and positive competitive environment which makes me feel this job can be taken as my career with no doubts. All in four words: I love this job!"
Shu Hu // Lawn Spray Crew Leader

"I've worked for Father and Son for almost three years as of the date I'm writing this. The reasons I enjoy working here as much as I do are many, so I'll attempt to be brief. Friendly, safe work atmosphere. Competitive pay with raise possibilities twice a year. A "top down" management system that doesn't believe in micromanaging your every minute. These are just a few of the many reasons I drive from West Pensacola everyday to work for Father and Son. If you're looking for a good, steady job, with a company growing and evolving all the time - this is the place."
damien holland // Pest Control Technician
"When I moved back to the Navarre area after 10 years of being in Georgia I was looking for a change in profession and when I came across Father and Son seemed like a job I'd enjoy. That was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I've ever made. I enjoy working at Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions because the work is very stimulating and, because of that, enjoyable. It's without a question, the most easy to get along with out of any job I've had. I plan to be here for a long time to come and if you're looking for a job that you'll enjoy showing up to, I'd definitely recommend Father and Son."
DAVID HUNTER // Lawn Spray Crew Leader

"My name is Kenneth aka Tiny I'm a spray technician at Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions. I love my job! It's a great place to work, Skip gives great incentives and plenty of opportunities to not only make lots of cash, but to move up in the company. I really like the environment that is in place, the fact that it's something new everyday and the opportunity to learn is great. I'm thankful for my job, it's a job I enjoy getting up each morning to come too. I believe in the company and know I will be here a long time. Thanks Skip for giving me a chance and all you do..."
TINY CHEATWOOD // Lawn Spray Crew Member

"I like my job mainly for 3 reasons. First and foremost are the employees. The employees have a variety of background and personalities which make the workday fun. The second would be work-life balance. I like that I have a degree of control and freedom with my scheduling. You are basically your own boss to a certain degree. The third reason is that I like the challenge of the job. Diagnosing lawn problems can be difficult so I try to learn and teach something new every day."
PAUL LUCAS // Route Supervisor

"My name is DJ and I like working for Father and Son because it's more like a family rather than a micromanaged company. The customers are great to work with as well as the employees. I like the fact that I can spread the knowledge I've accumulated over the years to multiple customers, and allow them to be more knowledgeable in knowing there own lawn."
dj MACKS // Crew Leader

"I've worked for Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions since June 2019, I immediately felt at home upon hiring. Skip, the owner, wants his employees to thrive in the workplace and grow in their knowledge of the company and its services. He is open to suggestions and has an open door policy for any concerns you have, both business and personal. As someone who has been in the work force in various capacities I find it refreshing to work for a company that seems to appreciate me and what I bring to the table."
SHEREEN // Billing Specialist

"Working for Father and Son has been a breath of fresh air for me! I've always worked in the corporate setting and found that I felt like a number instead of a person. That isn't the case here; I am treated like a person with value and for that I am grateful! My ideas for the business are considered which makes me feel like part of the company, contributing to the success. For me this is very important! Thanks Skip"
MARY McWILLIAM // Customer Service and Sales
If you would like to apply for employment at Father and Son Pest and Lawn Solutions please fill out the form below along with submitting your resume.